jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Curso de Ingles video 71 have to has to

Watch the video carefully and write sentences using "have to" or "has to" and a the means of transportation.

Observa el video y escribe enunciados con "have to" o "has to" y la forma de transportacion.

example:  She, train-        She has to travel by train. 

1-    He, car-
2-    They, train-
3-    We, bus
4-    You, boat-
5-    She, shuttle bus-
6-    I, bicycle-
7-    He, foot-
8-    She, airplane-
9-    You, subway-
10-  You, taxi

Escribe las respuestas en la caja de comentarios.

1 comentario:

  1. 1- He has to go by car.
    2- They have to go by train.
    3 - we have to take the bus.
    4- you have totravel by boad.
    5- She has to go by shuttle bus.
    6- I have to take the bicycle.
    7- He has to continue on foot.
    8- She has to travel by airplane.you have to go by taxi.
    9- you have to take the subway.10-
